(Note, we haven’t read Love in the Time of Cholera, but it is really good apparently).
Search Results for: covid 19
This time on the podcast we attempted to normalise the tough feelings that most of us are having at this phase of the Covid-19 pandemic (going into Autumn/Fall 2020).
This time on the podcast we talked about our desert island discs – the songs that we most relate to our Meg-John and Justin project.
We talked about sadness, sorrow, grief, mourning and melancholia. How can we be with sadness and use it to help us to connect with ourselves and others, and mobilize us towards justice? And how can we avoid shutting down on sadness, or giving up in the face of overwhelming grief?
Earlier this week we did an episode about sickness and consent. Today on the podcast we talked about how to deal with the stress and coronavirus. Below are the main tips and resources we mentioned…
This episode of the podcast was a Coronavirus special where we reflected on the issues that the virus raises for consent, from the micro level of self-consent to the macro level of wider culture and societal systems and structures, and everything in between.