We were thrilled excited, exhilarated, but not orgasmic to chat with Girl On The Net over a pint! YAY!
We thought as we had just released our latest zine about fantasies (which we talked about in last week’s podcast) that it would be great for us to chat with Girl On The Net about this stuff too.
She told us about her exciting audio porn project where she is turning written filth into audio filth, you can hear this for yourselves right now over here (probably NSFW and not for youngs).
We chatted about how often porn or erotic storytelling are not really viewed as counting as sex. We think is bad and wrong and unhelpful – as if the only thing that really counts as real sex is physical activity done with another person.
We also chatted about how we can learn more about ourselves, particularly our disowned selves, from reflecting on what we fantasise about. There’s also some gold in here about how to deal with erotic fantasies you may find troubling.
It’s a longer one than usual because we got well into it. It’s in our favourite pub, The Wenlock Arms, because we like to get out and about. GotN did indeed have a delicious cider after her lager shandy. There were also some toasties involved but Justin forgot to give MJ and GotN the change from that round. #reeling
“I have learned loads from it…. It’s like delving deeper into a topic I already loved.” Girl On The Net. Enjoy Sex – is available in all good book stores. Including Foyles. Thanks Foyles!