Recently we got asked to contribute to a sex positive book project. The person who contacted us said […]
Category Archive: Sex
Our latest podcast is all about exploring different ways of enjoying non genital sex. Enjoy! (How, When and IF You Want To).
We’ve taken part in three panel discussions with artist Alexsandra Karpowicz to talk about her project ‘Let’s Talk About Sex’.
We answer a reader’s question about being triggered at a sex party. We try to answer, what is triggering, how it might happen during any kind of sex and how we might manage it.
We were thrilled excited, exhilarated, but not orgasmic to chat with Girl On The Net over a pint! YAY!
A topic we’re very interested in at the moment is erotic fantasies. We believe that they have a lot to offer us, both in terms of our sex lives and in understanding ourselves more widely.
We were really excited to be featured in this wonderful article about Enjoy Sex in Smoda, the El Pais magazine. Here is the interview in full. Check out these awesome questions!
Our advice for if you are worried about masturbating too much and how the idea of ‘sex addiction’ might make things worse for people.
Here we talk about what we mean by ‘top and bottom’ in sex and relationships. Is it necessary, who does what and how to do it consensually.